> First (school) teaching in August/September 2023
> First Assessment in May 2025
Which are the differences between the old and new IBDP Chemistry syllabi?
The new chemistry curriculum is built on two broad organizing concepts:
Structure and Reactivity.
Each of these concepts is subdivided into topics and subtopics (as shown in the following table), all connected through the idea that structure determines reactivity, which transforms structure.
NEW Syllabus Structure
The new chemistry course is moving towards reducing content and highlighting concepts underpinning learning.
The syllabus structure has been re-imagined, incorporating subject-specific concepts—structure and reactivity—within a framework that focuses on models and concepts that enable teachers to create their own pathway for the two-year programme.
The aim of the new syllabus is to integrate concepts, topic content and the Nature Of Science (NOS) through inquiry.

Changes to the external assessment
All students will only sit two external examinations.
Paper 1A includes multiple-choice questions on the syllabus
Paper 1B includes data analysis questions.
Both papers 1 provide an opportunity to assess some of the experimental skills and techniques.
Paper 2 includes short-answer and extended-response questions of intertwining skills, concepts and understandings placed into a suitable chemistry context.
Other changes include the removal of the option topics (A: Materials, B: Biochemistry, C: Energy and D: Medicinal chemistry).
Some of the option content was incorporated into the course at either standard level or higher level.
Changes to the Internal Assessment (IA)
The ‘scientific investigation’ (internal assessment) will also see a change, with the opportunity for students to collaborate and support each other within small groups.
Where appropriate, students will be able to share similar methodologies, provided that the independent or dependent variables differ, and the data collected is unique to each student.
Students will continue to submit an individual report with a maximum word count of 3,000 words.
The revised criteria will place a greater emphasis on higher-order thinking skills with 50% of the marks allocated for Conclusion and Evaluation.

Skills for Chemistry
NEW IBDP Chemistry Tutoring Course
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a rigorous pre-university course of study designed for students in the 16 to 19 age range. It is a broad-based two-year course.
Chemistry is the central experimental science but an extremely challenging subject.
Based on my 5+ years of teaching experience, several topics listed in the NEW Syllabus are usually found hard to learn by the majority of students.
For example:
Structure 1.4 — Counting particles by mass: The mole
Structure 2.4 — From models to materials
Structure 3.2 — Classification of organic compounds
Reactivity 1.1— Measuring enthalpy changes
Reactivity 2.1— The amount of chemical change
Reactivity 1.4 — Entropy and spontaneity (HL only)
Based on the NEW Syllabus Structure, UPDATED teaching resources have already been prepared.
The most recent IBDP exam material will be provided.

Molecules in 3D
Which are the expected results?
1. Acquire new knowledge, successful study methods and strategies that will guarantee a high grade in all three final IBDP Chemistry papers.
2. Study effectively without wasting time.
3. Understand each syllabus concept quickly rather than trying to memorize it.
4. Sit the official examination in an earlier session.
5. Submit high-quality chemistry essays (IA and/or EE).

How can you quickly boost your Chemistry preparation?
1. Attending my one-on-one lessons held via Google Meet
2. Downloading my helpful teaching material, which includes:
PowerPoint presentations explaining each point of the syllabus
PowerPoint presentations explaining each point of the syllabus
Official IBDP Chemistry definitions
Past paper questions solved step-by-step
3D interactive animations
Short videos introducing each topic
3. Downloading the exam material I collected from IBDP official sources:
Past paper questions by topic
The most recent full past papers (exam sessions: 2022/2023).
The most recent full past papers (exam sessions: 2022/2023).

Titration: Phenolphthalein indicator
Available for both STANDARD LEVEL (sl) AND hIGHER lEVEL (hl) Students!
Problems in finding a research question and writing the mandatory chemistry essays (IA or EE)?
I can help you!
I am a scientist with several articles already published in scientific journals.
I am a scientist with several articles already published in scientific journals.
I have successfully achieved IBDP Chemistry Internal Assessment (IA) and Extended Essay(EE) teaching certificates supervising many students.
PowerPoint presentations full of IB official examiner's tips and a collection of past IA and EE already annotated by examiners will strongly support you in designing, planning and carrying out your individual investigation.
Therefore, I can assist you in choosing the topic that suits your ideas, and I will regularly check your IA or EE to improve its quality following all the IBDP criteria before the final submission.
Which is the structure of the two SL And HL courseS?
They strictly follow the IBDP Chemistry programme
described in the official Subject Guide:
Structure 1. Models of the particulate nature of matter
Structure 2. Models of bonding and structure
Structure 3. Classification of matter
Reactivity 1. What drives chemical reactions?
Reactivity 2. How much, how fast and how far?
Reactivity 3. What are the mechanisms of chemical change?
Structure 2. Models of bonding and structure
Structure 3. Classification of matter
Reactivity 1. What drives chemical reactions?
Reactivity 2. How much, how fast and how far?
Reactivity 3. What are the mechanisms of chemical change?

Is it possible to cover the whole
IBDP Chemistry syllabus?
Boosting your preparation will allow you to sit the official examination in an earlier session, saving time.
Suppose you want to cover the whole syllabus from scratch, the following are the suggested times (*considering four lessons per week):
Standard Level (SL) = 5 to 6 Months*
Higher Level (HL) = 7 to 8 Months*
Higher Level (HL) = 7 to 8 Months*

You can interrupt the tutoring course anytime without paying extra fees!