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Topic C: Energy
For both SL and HL students
1a. [2 marks]
1.57 % of the mass of a rock weighing 46.5 kg is uranium(IV) oxide, UO2. 99.28 % of the uranium atoms in the rock are uranium-238, U238.
Show that the mass of the U238 isotope in the rock is 0.639 kg.
1b. [2 marks]
The half-life of 238U is 4.46×109 years. Calculate the mass of 238U that remains after 0.639 kg has decayed for 2.23×1010 years.
1c. [1 mark]
Outline a health risk produced by exposure to radioactive decay.
1d. [1 mark]
Deduce the nuclear equation for the decay of uranium-238 to thorium-234.
1e. [1 mark]
Thorium-234 has a higher binding energy per nucleon than uranium-238. Outline what is meant by the binding energy of a nucleus.
2a. [1 mark]
Gasoline (petrol), biodiesel and ethanol are fuels.

Calculate the energy released, in kJ, from the complete combustion of 5.00 dm3 of ethanol.
2b. [1 mark]
State a class of organic compounds found in gasoline.
2c. [4 marks]
Outline the advantages and disadvantages of using biodiesel instead of gasoline as fuel for a car. Exclude any discussion of cost.

2d. [1 mark]
A mixture of gasoline and ethanol is often used as a fuel. Suggest an advantage of such a mixture over the use of pure gasoline. Exclude any discussion of cost.
2e. [2 marks]
Contrast the molecular structures of biodiesel and the vegetable oil from which it is formed.
2f. [1 mark]
When combusted, all three fuels can release carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, as well as particulates. Contrast how carbon dioxide and particulates interact with sunlight.
2g. [2 marks]
Methane is another greenhouse gas. Contrast the reasons why methane and carbon dioxide are considered significant greenhouse gases.
2h. [1 mark]
Suggest a wavenumber absorbed by methane gas.
3a. [3 marks]
Consider the following data for butane and pentane at STP.
Discuss the data.

3b. [2 marks]
In a natural gas power station, 1.00 tonne of natural gas produces 2.41 × 104 MJ of electricity.
Calculate the percentage efficiency of the power station.
1 tonne = 1000 kg
Specific energy of natural gas used = 55.4 MJ kg−1
Specific energy of natural gas used = 55.4 MJ kg−1
4a. [1 mark]
Octane number is a measure of the performance of engine fuel.
Suggest why a high-octane number fuel is preferable.
4b. [2 marks]
Reforming reactions are used to increase the octane number of a hydrocarbon fuel.
Suggest the structural formulas of two possible products of the reforming reaction of heptane, C7H16.
5a. [1 mark]
Red supergiant stars contain carbon-12 formed by the fusion of helium-4 nuclei with beryllium-8 nuclei.
Mass of a helium-4 nucleus = 4.002602 amu
Mass of a beryllium-8 nucleus = 8.005305 amu
Mass of a carbon-12 nucleus = 12.000000 amu
Mass of a beryllium-8 nucleus = 8.005305 amu
Mass of a carbon-12 nucleus = 12.000000 amu
State the nuclear equation for the fusion reaction.
5b. [2 marks]
Explain why fusion is an exothermic process.
5c. [2 marks]
Beryllium-8 is a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 6.70 × 10−17 s.
Calculate the mass of beryllium-8 remaining after 2.01 × 10−16 s from a sample initially containing 4.00 g of beryllium-8.
6a. [1 mark]
Ethanol is a biofuel that can be mixed with gasoline.
Write the equation for the complete combustion of ethanol.
6b. [2 marks]
Outline the evidence that relates global warming to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
6c. [2 marks]
Explain, including a suitable equation, why biofuels are considered to be carbon neutral.
6d. [1 mark]
State the type of reaction that occurs when ethanol reacts with vegetable oil to form biodiesel.
7a. [1 mark]
Natural gas is an energy source composed mainly of methane.
Calculate the specific energy of methane, in MJ kg−1, using sections 1, 6 and 13 of the data booklet.
7b. [1 mark]
Natural gas is burned to produce steam which turns turbines in an electricity generating power plant.
The efficiency of several sources for power plants is given below.

7e. [1 mark]
List the following products, which are also obtained by fractional distillation, according to decreasing volatility: asphalt, diesel, gasoline, lubricating motor oil.
7f. [3 marks]
Explain how methane absorbs infrared (IR) radiation by referring to its molecular geometry and dipole moment.
7g. [1 mark]
Compare methane’s atmospheric abundance and greenhouse effect to that of carbon dioxide.
8a. [1 mark]
Uranium-235, 235U, is bombarded with a neutron causing a fission reaction.
Two products of the fission of 235U are 144Ba and 89Kr.
Write the nuclear equation for this fission reaction.
8b. [1 mark]
Outline why the reaction releases energy.
8c. [2 marks]
The critical mass for weapons-grade uranium can be as small as 15 kg. Outline what is meant by critical mass.
8d. [1 mark]
The daughter product, 89Kr, has a half-life of 3.15 min.
Calculate the time required, in minutes, for the mass of 89Kr to fall to 6.25 % of its initial value.
9a. [1 mark]
E10 is composed of 10 % ethanol and 90 % normal unleaded fuel.
Ethanol has a Research Octane Number (RON) of 108.6.
Outline how higher octane fuels affect engine performance.
9b. [3 marks]
Show that, for combustion of equal masses of fuel, ethanol (Mr = 46 g mol−1) has a lower carbon footprint than octane (Mr = 114 g mol−1).
9c. [1 mark]
Biodiesel containing ethanol can be made from renewable resources.
Suggest one environmental disadvantage of producing biodiesel from renewable resources.
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