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Topic 13: The Periodic Table - The Transition Metals
For HL students only
1. [1 mark]
Which best explains why complexes of d-block elements are coloured?
A. Light is absorbed when electrons are promoted between d orbitals.
B. Light is emitted when electrons are promoted between d orbitals.
C. Light is absorbed when electrons return to lower energy d orbitals.
D. Light is emitted when electrons return to lower energy d orbitals.
2. [1 mark]
Why is hydrated copper (II) sulfate blue?
A. Blue light is emitted when electrons return to lower d-orbitals.
B. Light complimentary to blue is absorbed when electrons return to lower d-orbitals.
C. Blue light is emitted when electrons are promoted between d-orbitals.
D. Light complimentary to blue is absorbed when electrons are promoted between d-orbitals.
3. [1 mark]
Which of these ions are likely to be paramagnetic?
I. Ti3+
II. Cr3+
III. Fe3+
II. Cr3+
III. Fe3+
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
4. [1 mark]
[Cr(OH2)6]3+ is violet and [Cr(NH3)6]3+ is yellow. What is correct?
The Colour Wheel

4a. [2 marks]
The electron configuration of copper makes it a useful metal.
Determine the frequency of a photon that will cause the first ionization of copper. Use sections 1, 2 and 8 of the data booklet.
4b. [3 marks]
The electron configuration of copper makes it a useful metal.
Explain why a copper(II) solution is blue, using section 17 of the data booklet.
4c. [1 mark]
The electron configuration of copper makes it a useful metal.
Copper plating can be used to improve the conductivity of an object.
State, giving your reason, at which electrode the object being electroplated should be placed.
5. [1 mark]
What is the effect of a stronger ligand?

6. [1 mark]
Which electrons are removed from iron (Z = 26) to form iron(II)?
A. two 3d electrons
B. two 4s electrons
C. one 4s electron and one 3d electron
D. two 4p electrons
7. [1 mark]
How is colour produced in transition metal complexes?
A. Light is absorbed when electrons are promoted between split d-orbitals.
B. Light is emitted when electrons fall between split d-orbitals.
C. Light is absorbed when electrons escape from the complex.
D. Light is emitted when the complex returns to ground state.
8. [1 mark]
What is the oxidation state of the metal ion and charge of the complex ion in [Co(NH3)4Cl2]Cl?

9a. [1 mark]
This question is about iron.
Deduce the full electron configuration of Fe2+.
9b. [2 marks]
Explain why, when ligands bond to the iron ion causing the d-orbitals to split, the complex is coloured.
9c. [1 mark]
State the nuclear symbol notation, ZAX, for iron-54.
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